Join Master Gardeners and other experts to learn about the best ways to garden and support pollinators!
The IndyPL Seed Library is great, but what is even better is learning what to do with those seeds!
Join Master Gardener Ann to learn about how you can support our pollinators!
Get ready or follow up by learning from one of the many native plant and pollinator book lists
Check out some of the other gardening classes throughout IndyPL through our online calendar.
The Broad Ripple community has enjoyed library service at various sites since 1930. The first stand-alone library opened in 1949 adjacent to School No. 80 and continued at that location until a larger branch opened in Broad Ripple Park in 1986. Facing a need for continued growth, the Glendale Branch was constructed in 2000 in Glendale Mall and became the country’s first full-service library located in a major shopping mall.
In 2024, a new 24,800 square-foot Branch located at the site of the former John Strange Elementary School opened. The move into this new space began the next chapter of service to the vibrant Glendale community.