Walking, running, or exploring: calling all “big kids!” More adventures come to life through imaginary play in this multi-age program with an expert from Gymboree! This program is intended for mobile children up to age 5!
Participating in a diverse class of physical, social, and cognitive developmental skills creates a dynamic class where younger children benefit from watching older children and older children benefit from being leaders. This program is a great opportunity for siblings to experience class together, or for children to practice more diverse social skills like leadership and peer modeling.
This program is made possible by Friends of the Library through gifts to The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation.
Opened in 2021, this branch encompasses 24,000-square-feet and fills a service gap in the growing Perry Township community. Patrons will find a varied collection of materials at the branch, including materials in Spanish and children’s Burmese language materials to support the diverse community of immigrants who live on Indy’s south side.
Amenities include a community meeting room that can hold 203 guests, a fireplace, a marketplace, computer stations, a children's and teen zone, and an inviting outdoor patio space.